Make a call to
The Safety Inspector on:
0402 778 575
Document Design / Accounts
The Safety Inspector specialises in Template Design (Document Design) and Accounts, this includes small databases.
The Safety Inspector will work with you in designing templates specifically for your business. Templates are documents that are reproduced many times with information and then data is inputted into the document, Document Design can be anything from an employee application, forms and Resumes. You supply the data we complete the design work.
Templates are there to make your life easier, to save time which then saves your business money. We specialise using Microsoft Word, Excel and Access, we can train your staff with basic functionality on how to use the software.
The Safety Inspector can produce a database for your business. A Database is where information is stored and reports can be pulled out of the database to find out specific information such as client contacts, suppliers, rental information and stock information.
The Safety Inspector is able to complete Accounts Payable / Receivable, Payroll using MYOB and Xero.
Customised Document Design and Formatting
Database Design to eliminate your filing cabinet